Mobile: 07939946819
Ear candling is a traditional and ancient technique that has been used for cleansing, purifying and spiritual healing. It is a relaxing treatment that aims to clear the mind and body.
The candling I have been taught is based on Native American Shamanic ear candling techniques. My mentor Ziggie Bergman learned the techniques directly from the Native Americans in New Mexico. An interesting fact is that the Hopi tribe never practiced ear candling however other tribes did.
Ear candling benefits are increased by lymphatic drainage techniques such as facial cupping and facial massage therefore all my ear candling treatment will include one of these.
Ear candling has many potential benefits and may help to:
*Clear the mind and senses
*Soften and help clear ear wax
*Improve hearing cause by excess wax
*Alleviate the symptoms of:
- tinnitus
- glue ear- colds- headaches and migraines
- snoring
- allergic rhinitis
- patulous eustachian tube
- neuralgia
- bells palsy
- Meniere's disease
- swimmers / diver / surfer ear
- pressure regulation after flying
- labyrinthitis
- loss of smell
As with all treatments there are several contraindications where ear candling is not suitable. These are:
*Perforated ear drum ( within 2-3 years and needs a Dr consent after this)
*Those who wear hearing aids or ear implants*
Any drainage devices including grommets
*eczema or psoriasis involving the ear
*any allergy to ingredient in the candle
*recent facial or dental surgery (3 & 6 months respectively)
*currently taking antibiotics
*earring in tragus
A full consultation is required before ear candling, this is to ensure it is an appropriate treatment for you. You will be asked to lie down on your side, fully clothed, and will be supported by pillows. Specially made hollow candles are used for ear candling and they are made up of natural ingredients such as herbs and oils. The candle will be gently placed within your ear and once lit will be held still. You may feel some warmth and her crackling during the treatment, this is normal and can be very soothing. The candle acts like a mini chimney and allows warm air to rise creating a vacuum at the bottom. The vacuum stimulates the ear and facilitate removal of excess wax and impurities. The candle does not remove wax rather is stimulates the ear to do this itself and may occur over the next few days. Ear candling should leave you with a sense of well-being and reduced pressure in your ears and head area. Full benefits are likely to continue over the next few days. You may feel the ears are more open, you can hear better, less congestion, increased sense of smell. The benefits of ear candling are improved with massage around the area worked and with lymphatic drainage techniques such as facial cupping.